Kenya will host the 2024 edition of the AllAfrica Media Leaders’ Summit which will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 8th – 10th May 2024. According to AllAfrica, the event will be themed Re-engineering African Media to Drive Critical Transformation.

This excellent networking opportunity brings key African and international opinion leaders together. The Summit offers an independent platform that provides a chance to connect strongly, credibly and memorably with leaders in media from across the African continent and those global leaders with interest in African Development.
Media leaders are among the most influential opinion leaders, and often opinion crafters in the world. AMLS offers you the platform to show them real leadership in your field and create a strong top of mind awareness that will spread across the continent.
Most importantly the objectives and outcomes of this Summit are of critical importance to African development and competitiveness. This should be at the core of the purpose of each and every African or Africa focused organization.
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The Digizens' Circle is an engagement event that will be held as the first event of the AllAfrica Media Leaders' Summit on the 8th May 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya. It will be held at the University of Nairobi and will be open to all African Youths. The event aims to engage young digital natives and find out what their thoughts are on the state of African media. The theme of the event will be:
The youth of Africa are powerful and are the promise of the continent's future. They have a lot to say but due to cultural norms and fear of rejection or judgment, many of them remain silent. Some are brave enough to speak up but alone they cannot speak for all of Africa's youth. The youth are skillfully adept at all things tech and social media, with many of them having some kind of digital or online presence. The 2024 AllAfrica Public Youth Debate, which will be named The Digizens' Circle: Young Africa Speaks, aims to harness this and use it to gain the opinions of our youth. To aid this experience, the debate will make use of various digital tools and each youth participant will need to bring a smartphone. Register now and join us in the first edition of this exciting event.
Kenya will host the 2024 edition of the AllAfrica Media Leaders’ Summit which will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 8th – 10th May 2024. According to AllAfrica, the event will be themed Re-engineering African Media to Drive Critical Transformation.